Oh no! The garage door stopped working! It must be time to call a local Smyrna, GA garage door repair shop; right? Well, maybe not. Our Smyrna Garage Door Repair crew offers these helpful tips on what you should do first BEFORE you call a local garage door professional. Read on – you might just save yourself a service call and a little money!

You need your garage door to work right!

There’s no doubt about it. Your garage door is a vital part of your home or commercial building. It guards one of the largest rooms at your location. We use our garages for storage, car parking and access to our homes. A poorly or non-working garage door leaves your home vulnerable to uninvited intruders, vagrants, squatters, potential burglars or home invaders. It also allows your neighbors or anyone else driving down your street to potentially see what is inside your garage space or that part of your building is in disrepair.

Imagine putting in a hard day at work. You’ve dealt with cranky customers, oppressive bosses, and traffic headaches all day. Now, you just want to come home and relax for a bit so that you can recharge. One problem; your garage door is not working right. While your first inclination might be to call a local Smyrna, GA garage door professional, give these quick tips a try and see if these help.

Safety sensors

These are also known as photo electric safety eyes and they play a vital role in your garage door’s performance. If your safety sensors are not aligned properly your garage door remote won’t work and neither will your outside keypad control. These sensors are designed with your safety in mind. That’s why they won’t allow your garage door to operate if the beam does not connect. Let’s say you attempt to close your garage door but your toddler or puppy runs underneath it at the last moment. The last thing you want is for your several hundred pound garage door to hit anyone or anything underneath. Thanks to your safety sensors, it won’t. When the beam is interrupted, the door reverses course and goes back up.

If however, the beams are not aligned, this has the same effect. You can push the remote button all you like and to your sensors, it is the same as having the beam interrupted, but on a continued basis. What can you do about it? Your sensors are easily aligned by moving them in their brackets gently so that the beam connects from one sensor to the other. While you are at it, check for spider webs, yard leaves and other debris that may have blown in that can block your sensor lenses. Keep bicycles, trash cans, garden tools and other items away from your sensors. These can lean against them or fall on them and cause them to become misaligned. While you are inspecting your safety sensors, also look out for cut, frayed or chewed wires that will certainly interfere with your garage door’s performance.

Remote battery

Batteries lose their charge with time and use. This is true for the battery in your remote, too. We recommend testing your battery to see if it is still good. Do you have a battery tester at home? If so, use it to see the condition of your remote battery. If not, simply take your battery to any local Smyrna, GA retail store that sells them and they should test it for you at no charge. Some of the national chains that do this complimentary testing include Best Buy, Target, Sears, Home Depot, Wal-Mart and Lowes. Also, your battery may be good but the terminal that holds it in place may be loose. Be sure to check to see if it still holds. These are easy to adjust by simply squeezing them together.

Manual lock

Sometimes garage door failure can be traced back to one simple thing; the manual lock. These locks are easy to purchase and to apply. They are also easy to forget so if you or someone in your household attaches one to the inside track of your garage door, remember to remove it when not needed or at least tell the other family members or roommates about it. Plenty of opener motors have become burned out as well as garage door damage by trying to open a manually locked garage door.

Path blockage

Did your garage door start to go down and then suddenly go back up? Did you try to close your door again and this action was repeated? You might be left wondering just how you are going to retire for the night or leave for work in the morning if your garage door won’t close. This problem is related to and very similar to the above paragraph about the safety sensors. In this case, the beam is not misaligned, there is simply something blocking its path. At first glance it may not seem that way. It could be something as small as a child’s toy or other small object. As long as the beam is interrupted, your garage door will not close and will start to go back up. Always be sure to keep the area around your safety sensors free of debris, tools, boxes or any other item that can block the path of your photo electric safety eye beam.

When to call in the troops!

Any and all of the above tips can save you both time and money. It only takes a moment to run through any or all of them. Why not save yourself some money and fix your own garage door problem? Now, if none of the above tips help, then by all means, call in a Smyrna, GA garage door repair pro. Even if you do, you’ll be able to tell your repair technicians what the problem is NOT. How do you know? Well, because your read our post and checked for yourself!


If your garage door is out of whack, there are numerous causes. Some are clear-cut, and some are complicated. Let’s take a look:



Problems and Solutions


Garage door won’t open? If you have a garage door that won’t stay open, the springs are probably acting up, not staying contracted as they should. Adjustment may be possible, by shortening the spring cables, which will add more tension on the springs using a bracket on the cables. If your garage door has one or two torsion springs, one or both could be broken. Don’t ever attempt to adjust your garage door, unless you’re an engineer! If operated improperly, a garage door spring can cause injury, and even death. The drums, cables, and bottom brackets may need to be adjusted. Or, it’s possible that the springs must be replaced. In any case, it’s wise to hire a trusty professional. If you live in Smyrna, Georgia, consider choosing a dependable local garage door company such as Smyrna Garage Door Repair.


Garage door won’t close? Your garage door has a photo sensor eye on either side. Between them is an invisible beam, which, when broken, keeps the door from shutting. See if they’ve become misaligned or grimy. Depending on which brand and style of sensor you have, if the light’s blinking, there’s something wrong. Or, if you have sensors with red and green lights, the red one normally means it’s not functioning correctly.


Another sensor issue can be the wiring. Investigate the connections from the sensors making sure the wires aren’t coming loose or hindered by corrosion. Another possibility is that there’s a short in the wiring, which can come from a staple used during installation; vibrations over time can eventually cause a disconnect. Also, wires can become stretched, resulting in a disconnection.


Does the garage door opener run, but the garage door won’t move? In case of a power outage, your garage door opener comes with a disconnect switch, allowing you to manually shut or open the garage door. The switch, usually attached to a knob or rope, can unintentionally come unhooked. What to do:


1  Open or shut the garage door all the way.

2  Reattach the hook securely.

3  Now, with the transmitter, try opening or shutting the door again, and this time it should work.


The transmitter batteries might be low. Perhaps all you need to do is replace them to open your door.


Is your garage door opener running for a few seconds, then turning off? This can occur when the door’s shut, while the motor tries but fails to lift the garage door.


1  Inspect the track for any obstacles.

2  Examine the springs.

3   Check to see if your garage door has a built-in lock engaging by mistake. This is common for older garage doors.


What if your door goes down all the way, but opens again? Probably the open-and-close limit settings of the garage door opener are failing. The settings instruct the garage door opener on how far the door should move before it’s shut all the way. If set too high, the door will hit the ground before the opener estimates that it should, assuming the door is touching an object in its path. If so, it will reverse so as not to crush it. Read your operator’s manual for steps for setting the open-and-close limits.


Is the garage door opening and closing at random? If your garage door opens or shuts by itself, even when you’re gone, it’s certainly a nuisance as well as a security risk, but don’t be upset. Try this:


1  Inspect the transmitters. Make sure they’re not wedged under an object that’s accidently pushing down on the control mechanism. For instance, the transmitters may be under some items you forgot in your vehicle, or somewhere else in the vicinity.

2  Test the transmitters’ frequency. It’s possible a neighbor of yours has your same frequency.


Does the garage door shut part way, then open again? A garage door has a reversing mechanism so it won’t crush objects in its path. The reversing instruction is triggered by any objects on the ground blocking the garage door’s path ~ a box, bicycle, or trash can. There could be debris on the door tracks ~ tiny objects, grime, or gum ~ stopping the rollers from moving forward. This will likely require professional attention.


The garage door track might be out of alignment. The metal track of your garage door must be correctly aligned, or it won’t budge. Look for any bends in the rails, or gaps between rail and the rollers. As years pass, the garage door’s weight can compound these problems, so don’t put off hiring a garage door expert, because the door can become increasingly dangerous to operate.


What if your garage door slams down with a bang? You may have a broken tension spring, which normally counters the door’s weight. The cables connected to the tension spring are broken. Either problem can be dangerous, so call a garage door professional.



Prevent Future Problems


Maintaining your garage door is relatively effortless. The little time needed to keep your garage door in tiptop shape means you won’t have to replace it for many years to come.


Follow a routine maintenance schedule to extend the life of your garage door. If you use your garage as a workshop, office, or game room, it’s important to keep your garage door springs, rollers, and hinges lubricated ~ at least once a year, before winter comes. (Some professionals advise you should lubricate every 3 months.) Otherwise, the springs will rust, and the coils will eventually bind. Use a top brand, and it won’t dry out. All that’s needed is a light coating.


Once a month, check your garage door system’s components.


1  Tighten loose bolts.

2  Replace worn parts.

3  Investigate if you notice any odd noises when your garage door opens and shuts.

Schedule an annual inspection with your local garage door repair service. Cables, springs, pulleys, and wires require professional attention.


At least every other year, clean the garage door.


1  Wash both sides with a sponge using mild dish soap and water. Rinse well.

2  Wash the sensor eyes with a dry, clean cloth.

3  Keep the area surrounding the sensors free of grime and cobwebs.

4  If your garage door is wood, if there’s any peeling and chipping, give it a fresh coat of paint.

5  If your garage door is steel, apply car wax for cold-weather protection.

Smyrna Garage Door Repair: Common Garage Door Issues in Cold Weather

Weather conditions can have an impact your garage door’s performance. This is less than ideal in the coldest seasons, when homeowners want to be able to keep everything closed-up to warm up the house. Unfortunately, garage door issues are very common during cold weather – but preparing for these will enable you to quickly resolve your troubles. Read through our list of commonly-found glitches to ensure your garage door is well-maintained as the temperature drops.

Here is a handy breakdown of some of the problems that Smyrna Garage Door Repair in Smyrna, GA, along with other garage door repair professionals, constantly need to attend to in the coldest months.

1) Creaky or noisy doors

This is probably one of the most common complaints garage door technicians receive during the winter season. As the door is opened or closed, it may become noisier than you are used to – grumbling, complaining, creaking and screeching. While noisy doors can be a sign of damage, in the winter months that’s usually just a sign that it needs a bit more lubrication. You will need to buy some lube and apply it to the necessary parts, including the joints and hinges. If that doesn’t work, then something is amiss: and that will be when you may need to call a garage door repair technician to inspect things further.

2) Problems opening and/or closing the door

Whether that means your door is not opening completely or not closing all the way, the cold weather can cause a few issues that may make it more difficult for your door to operate smoothly. Once again, it could be as simple as oiling up the right parts – but opening and closing issues could actually mean your door has become misaligned. Check if the door is out of balance, and see if the issue can be amended by tapping each side of the door back into position. Be careful, though: if your door is too far out of track, fixing it will be very dangerous. If in doubt, get in touch with an expert.

3) Weather Stripping Failure

If you live somewhere that experiences heavy snow, you will likely encounter this problem. When water freezes near a closed garage door, the weather stripping may get stuck to the ground. In this scenario, the weather stripping will likely tear off as soon as the door is raised – leaving your home with poor insulation and a hefty energy bill. The best way to prevent this? Check that the area in front of your garage door is clear of puddles and snow. Simple as that!

4) Excess grease building up on tracks and rollers

Now, this is something that can easily occur at any given time of the year. In the winter months, though, it can lead to some of the problems we’ve already covered (misaligned rollers being a key example). Actually, finding the right balance between lubrication levels along the tracks and rollers is a bit of a trial and error, but is an important part of your garage door maintenance. Oil up your tracks if needed, but try not to overdo it – apply it in small amounts to reach the right consistency.

5) Breakage because of contracting metal

A very common issue in the colder months. The drop in temperature will cause the door’s metal components, including the springs and screws, to shrink and contract. You can’t prevent this from happening, but you can prevent it from causing any kind of breakage or damage by ensuring all metal parts are well-lubricated. Just remember to keep the oil away from the tracks to avoid the issue we mentioned in the previous point.

And if you do end up with a broken spring – do not try to fix things yourself! Torsion springs especially are quite dangerous to work with without adequate training. Stay on the safe side and call a repairs professional right away.

6) Thickened or hardened grease on your door

The majority of lubricating greases are created to operate under extremely hot temperatures – it’s actually the reason why they work so well with motor engines. Unfortunately, that means the grease doesn’t perform as well when exposed to cold weather conditions. As the temperatures drop, it’s very likely that your garage door’s grease will thicken up and harden. To prevent this from causing any hassles, keep a close eye on your door’s hinges and tracks and make sure to remove any build-up along the way. Old, hardened grease can be removed from your garage door using an applicable solvent. Once you’ve cleaned up the build-up, replace it with a silicone-based oil – this will last you through the winter months much better than your standard oils.

Throughout this list we have identified certain times when you may need to call on a repairs professional. If you need to find one in your area, make sure to ask people you trust for recommendations and keep 2-3 business names handy. Call these and inquire about their services, including minimum callout charges and product warranties. Never hire a company that has no verifiable address, and don’t pay full price upfront for any repairs job (partial deposits are legitimate, though). If you have time to do a bit of background checking on your selected business, that’s even better – otherwise, just stick to word-of-mouth recommendations.

Those of you who live in Smyrna, Georgia, are more than welcome to contact us if you experience any of the cold weather issues we mentioned in this post. Smyrna Garage Door Repair is a locally owned and operated business, with all the certifications, training and tools needed to conduct safe and reliable repairs. Call us to consult with our experts, and we will provide you with a full price quote for any requests you may have for our team. In emergencies, our phone lines are operating 24/7.

Whether you live in Smyrna, GA, or elsewhere, we hope that this blog post has clarified some of the issues you may experience with your garage door during the winter months. Remember to stay on top of maintenance to ensure that everything keeps running smoothly all year round.